Taylor Burkhardt conducts a rehearsal of Woman.
To be considered for a coaching position at Spotlight on Opera, please send a cover letter, resume with references, and 2-3 videos of you working on operatic repertoire with a college-aged or post-grad student singer.
Apply at Info@SpotlightOnOpera.com
To be considered for a stage directing position at Spotlight on Opera, please send a cover letter, resume with references, and video work samples (if you have them) to Info@SpotlightOnOpera.com.
Nicholas Simpson teaches Italian diction.
All conductors at Spotlight also coach and collaborate on piano for rehearsals, concerts, and operas. If you would like to be considered for a conducting position, please send a resume with references and 2-3 videos of you coaching a college-aged or post-grad student on operatic repertoire to Info@SpotlightOnOpera.com.
voice teachers
All voice teachers at Spotlight teach 1:1 voice lessons, participate in the Audition Makeover Master Classes, and teach other classes according to their interests and abilities. They may also be asked to perform roles or sing chorus (neither is mandatory). If you would like to be considered for a voice teacher position at Spotlight, please email your resume with references to Info@SpotlightOnOpera.com.